Tuesday 20 November 2012

Fuduntu Linux - targeting Azus eee Netbooks and others

Fuduntu Linux is a Fedora based Linux mainly targeting netbooks especially Azus ones.Earlier it was a Fedora remix only but now it has derived to an independent OS.Even though the installation file size is around 1GB the OS is pretty fast while working.
The main advantage of Fuduntu that is helpful for EEE pc and other netbook users is the increased battery life obtained by some tweaks to reduce the power consumption.It contains the Jupiter power management app used for cpu and display customizations.

Fuduntu uses Yum update method and RPM packet manager.Currently Fuduntu supports IA-32, x86-64 platforms.
Default packages in Fuduntu
Adobe Flash (licensed)
Fluendo MP3 Codec (licensed)

Try Ubuntu in your netbook

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